
Wiyaala partakes in calendar for change project by Necessary Aid Alliance

It was all pleasure and apparent impact when the internationally renowned musician Wiyaala (The Lioness of Africa), who also serves as a role model for Necessary Aid Alliances Calendar for Change project, which is currently being executed with funding from Plan Ghana, visited five (5) project beneficiary schools in the WA EAST District to interact with pupils.

By giving them with deserving role models and mentoring, the organization hopes to influence the way that teenagers, particularly girls in rural areas, think about their futures. Additionally, it gives students a chance to interact directly with the role models.

In order to educate and motivate kids, the famous role model took the time to tell tales of her story. She also spoke at length about the need of avoiding premarital sex, which can result in teenage pregnancies and school dropout. Students learned about the need not to engage in illicit activities such as drugs, bleaching and so on which can have a negative influence on their future. She spoke passionately about the importance of education and how it is the most powerful tool that they can use to change their worlds.

She equally thanked teachers and motivated to remain committed to the educational welfare of students.

The global songstress didn’t leave each school without entertaining students with her insightful and highly thrilling songs. She equally coached some selected students on how to play the guitar.

We are appreciative to her for her total commitment and passion towards rural development and girl child empowerment.

The feedback from community members, teachers, students and other stakeholders indicates the project thus far has been of tremendous benefit to students.

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